Sorry Democrats, You Can’t Have It Both Ways


“Liberals” in June:  OMG!  Trump’s starting a trade war!  He’s going to cause a recession!

“Liberals” now:  Well, the economy is thriving because…Obama


Sorry “liberals”, you can’t have it both ways.  Now I recognize that Obama left Trump a pretty healthy economy.  But if you’re going to claim that Trump is about to crash the economy, and then the economy thrives even more; then if you’re intellectually honest, at least some of that credit goes to Trump.

Like it or not, Democrats aren’t getting the recession of their dreams.  Those pesky jobs reports just keep showing job growth, and higher median outcome.  And furthermore, those “marginalized groups” that Dems feign such compassion for, they are benefiting!  The median income for Hispanic households grew 3.7% in Trump’s first year (and that’s adjusted for inflation)!  Yeah, sorry about Trump’s nasty comments about “rapists” and “drug dealers”, but the “good people” Trump also mentioned who come here legally seem to be doing well under this administration.

We can win this trade war, a trade war that China started, even with the corporate media trying to undermine it every step of the way.  We just gotta keep up the fight, and not let our poor, lost fellow Americans glued to CNN get to us with all the manufactured talking points from the corporate boardrooms of the MSM.  Remember, though, that these fellow Americans are lost.  They’re not our enemies.  Contrary to what HRC once expressed, no human being is irredeemable.  As they come at us with their talking points, we need to try to get through to them.  Pointing out my initial point here, is a good start.